Rules & Regulations

  1. Name of the Association :Uttarakhand Cricket Players Association
  2. Membership : The membership of the Association shall be open to any person who fulfils the terms & conditions of the Association, without discrimination of religion, caste, color and creed, but subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The decision of the Executive Committee shall be subject to the approval / ratification by the President of the Association.
  3. Subscription: Annual Subscription shall be Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) or more as decided by the Executive Committee from time to time.
  4. Termination of Membership: The Governing Body shall have the power to expel a member from the club or terminate the membership inter alia , on the following grounds :
    • a) By no confidence motion by 2/3rd majority of votes in the General Body meeting of the Association.
    • b) Non payment of subscription fee continuously for more than two consecutive years.
    • c) On his/her written request.
    • d) He/she has not attended three consecutive meetings of the General Body without any intimation.

    The reason of termination from the membership f the Association shall be communicated to the member concerned.

  5. Appeals- All the appeals should be referred to the President of the Association. The decision of the President shall be final.
  6. Re-Admission : In case a members being expelled by the Governing Body, he may apply for readmission to the President and in case the President is satisfied that the grounds for his readmission exists, can grant him readmission on such terms that the President may prescribe. The decision of the President shall be final.
  7. Governing Body: The Governing Body shall consist of all members & office bearers as under:
    I President One
    II Vice President Two
    III General Secretary Two
    IV Joint Secretary/ Sports Secretary One
    V Treasurer One
    VI Executive Members SEVEN
  8. Numbers in General Body : All the members of the Association will constitute the General Body.
  9. Functions of General Body:
    • a) To consider any business brought before the Governing Body.
    • b) There shall be an annual meeting of the General Body once every year.
    • c) Not less than 15 days prior notice shall be given to the members. ( However in special circumstances, if proposed by the Secretary and approved by the President. 7 days notice will be adequate. The notice shall be accompanied by the Agenda and shall be specifying the time date and place of the meeting, The quorum shall be 2/3rd of the total strength. In the absence of the quorum, the meeting will be adjourned for 15 minutes and the meeting can restart thereafter the members present shall constitute the quorum, and such meeting will be considered as eligible meeting of the General Body.
  10. Election & Quorum: The General Body in its annual meeting will elect its President and all the Office Bearers of the Governing Body. The Secretary can remain in office for a maximum of three consecutive terms, with elections every two years. The term of the President shall be five consecutive years with elections every year. The list of members of Governing Body shall be submitted to the Office of the Registrar of Societies, Uttarakhand immediately after elections. That taking into consideration previous circumstances, the newly elected Secretary shall have to given an affidavit to obey all the directions of the club management and will not continue as the Secretary after the expiry of one year unless he is reelected.
  11. Filling up of Vacancies- Any of the above post falling vacant shall be filled in consultation with the Patron in Chief, Patrons & President.
  12. Sub Committee : A Sub Committee will be formed consisting of any three of the Office Bearers as nominated by the President.
  13. Source of Income:
    • I. Admission fee / membership fee.
    • II. Donations / Sponsorship.
    • III. Special Contributions.
  14. Functions of the Governing Body:
    • a) To arrange finance if required , from Bank/ Banks institution or individual on reasonable terms & conditions and the general body as a whole shall be liable for its return.
    • b) The General Body shall make plants for the furtherance of the Association activities.
    • c) To publish literature and to propagate the system to approach the public pertaining to uplift the status of the Association.
    • d) To accept donation, charities, immovable properties etc from public, other associations, agencies, in the interest of the promotion of the aims and objectives of the Association.
    • e) Executive Committee shall meet once every month and at least once in a calendar quarter.
    • f) The duration of the governing or managing committee will be one year.
  15. Register of Member: The Association will maintain a register at its Registered Office of its members and shall enter therein the following particulars:
    • 1) The names and address of the members.
    • 2) The date on which the members were admitted.
    • 3) The date on which a member ceases to be the member.


    • a) He shall supervise all works and activities done by other office bearers of the Association.
    • b) He shall be head of the Association and preside over all the meetings, whether that of General Body or of Governing Body. He shall have a casting vote in case of a tie.

    Senior Vice President

    He will assist the President in the effective discharge of his functions. In the absence of President the Senior Vice President shall discharge the functions of the President.

    Vice President

    He will assist the Senior Vice President in the effective discharge of his function. In the absence of the President and / or the Senior Vice President, the Vice President shall discharge the function of the President / Senior Vice President.


    • a) To sign on behalf of the Association, conduct its correspondence and record the proceedings of the meeting(s)
    • b) To summon and attend the meeting at the general body.
    • c) To call ordinary general body meeting if desired on written request of at least 1/3rd members of the general body.
    • d) At his election to the post, he will have to render an affidavit to obey all directions of the Association management and will not continue as the Secretary after the expiry of two years unless he is reelected.
    • e) He shall be the custodian of all the records of the Association during his tenure.

    Joint Secretary

    He will assist the Secretary in the effective discharge of his functions. In the absence of the Secretary he will discharge the duties of the Secretary .


    He shall keep accounts of all receipts & expenditures of the Association and furnish necessary information to the Governing Body. balance amount shall be deposited in the Bank Account of the Association.

  16. Financial Year : The Financial Year of the Association shall be from 01st April to 31st March of the following calendar year.
  17. Audit : The accounts of the Association shall be audited at least once a year by a qualified Chartered Accountants appointed by the General Body and M/S Kapil Kumar and Co. are appointed as first auditor.
  18. Bank Account : All the Bank Account of the Association shall be operated by the President , Secretary & the Treasurer. Any two of the three signatories shall be authorized to operate the Bank A/c of the Association.
  19. Amendment : Any amendment to the Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations will be carried out in accordance with section 12 & 12A of S.R. Act 1860 .
  20. Annual List of Governing Body : Once in every year a list of the Office bearers and members of the Governing Body under section 4 of the Societies Registration Act of 1860.
  21. Dissolution : If the Association need to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved as per provisions of the Societies Registration Act of 1860.
  22. Application of the Act : All the provisions under all the sections of the Societies Registration Act 1860, shall apply to this Association.
  23. Certified that this is the true & correct copy of the Rules & Regulation of the above mentioned Association.